The time has come to find our Savior. He alone has the power to mend us again. We are a community of spiritually minded souls who come together to share.Each of us is linked with the Universe and with Life. The triangle itself is composed of three corners: Spirit, Body, and Mind. The three sides of the triangle support each other and create the most structurally sound shape in the universe.
We as Christians speak of the Father (God / Spirit), the Son (physical embodiment of God), and the Holy Spirit (preceding the Father and bridging the Father to the individual).
Matthew 7 : 25 -"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday's life - whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food and your body more that clothing?
Therefore, nuture your body, your spirit and your mind with God's word.
Love yourself for all your mistakes. Love is the most powerful tool and with this tool your spirit, body, and mind will be healed again.Trust our Father which are in heaven.