Monday 21 November 2011

Wonders of the Lord

Take note of God's Wonders

When you feel tired, stressed and have unfulfilled desires and dreams, go outside take a walk, smell and pick a flower, as there's nothing that let a person relax so quickly, as being outside and feel at peace in nature.

If you are a worrier, pray about the things that make you stress,  and desires that you might have.
It is impossible to run around with sky-high stress levels if you make a point to focus on the beautiful and wonder of the nature around you and appreciate it, each day.
If you are previledge to stay close to a coast, go and walk on the beach, feel the warm sand between your toes, the sun on your face, the love God is showing upon you, embrace it. Take note of the small things in nature, the delicate grass along the side of the road, the insects, each flower is a miracle and experience all the greatness of God's hand and His care for you. He created everything for you to enjoy.
When you look at all God's wonders, you cannot help become aware of His might and majesty and you will feel the peace inside you - and the very fact that God is there, that He loves you, will cause your stress levels to abate.
Come close to God and nature and humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up in honor.

Lord, thank You for Your wonders that I can see around me every day.
I love You.

Monday 7 November 2011


Lord, You know how full my program is at the end of the year. Help me to scale down, to get someone to help me and not to do things that are unnecessary,
When we are tired, worn out and have too many responsibilities we become depressed very easily.
Don't try to handle everthing by yourself, get people to help you.
We often hear about people who have nervous breakdowns because of their impossible workloads. Every year, at the beginning of November, we feel that we reached breaking point.
Take a step back from all your work, examine whether you have unrealistic expectations of yourself.
Do the things that Gods asks us to do and use your talents in His service and to His honor, and burnout will be a thing of the past forever. (Exodus 18:20-23)

"Carol Travilla lists five unrealistic expectations that can contribute to burn out"
  • There should not be any limits to what I can do;
  • I have the capacity to help everyone;
  • I am the only person availabe to help;
  • I never make a mistake;
  • I have the ability to change another person.
Lord, I recognize myself so clearly in the above list. Forgive me for being such a perfectionist and thinking that I can manage everything myself. Make me calm and content to just do my best and learn me how to say No.