Thursday 2 July 2015

Love and Joy


Many of us believe that we are  not good enough to deserve love and joy.
How wrong can we be!. We are all creatures from God that  needs to be loved and enjoy all the good things in life.The fruit of the Spirit is Love and Joy.

Love is one of the most fulfilling of the law, the bond of perfectness. The love of a child, love of a Mother, Father. Love for each other.
"The Love of God. - God is Love".

Look in the mirror and say to yourself, I deserve love, I deserve joy, I am the best.

 Small little things that gives you joy - like the sweet fragrance of  flowers, - walking bare feet on the wet grass early in the morning - watch the sunrise and the sunset, painted with all the glorify colors of the rainbow of God's hand above you and on land.
The silver of the moon shine on the sea at night and that makes you to smile gently. A soft whisper of the breeze as you listen to the murmur of the waves and a soft whispered breeze of the wind touching your cheek, the murmur of waves.

God give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed and the courage to change the things that should be changed.

Joy, - likewise, which is the produce of the Spirit arises from an apprehension or good hope.

  . Good things attracts more good things.

Love Life and Live Life

My prayer: "Thank you Father for small little things that I can still see, feel and smell. Thank you for all your blessings and that I can still have the Love and Joy of your Love".
