Friday 30 December 2011

Beloftes van God

Bekommernisse: Moet nooit toelaat dat enigiets of iemand God se plek in jou lewe inneem nie.

Wie van julle kan deur hom te bekommer sy lewe met een enkele uur verleng - Matteus 6:27

 Dankbaarheid: Ons moet vir God dankie se vir elkeen van sy seeninge.

Wees in alle omstandighede dankbaar, want dit is wat God in Christus Jesus van julle verwag - 1 Tessalonisense 5:18

Gebed: Maak seker dat al jou gebede op God gefokus is.

Die Here sal jou genadig wees as jy na Hom roep om hulp. Hy sal jou gebed verhoor sodra Hy dit hoor. - Jesaja 30:19

Geduld: As jy getrou is aan jou roeping as volgeling van Jesus, sal jy nooit ongeduld toon wanneer jy met die nood and ander te doen het nie.

'n Verstandige mens beteuel sy humeur en stel sy eer daarin om vergewensgesind te wees. - Spreuke 19:11

Hoop: Hou die hoop brandend in jou hart en vas aan die sekerheid daarvan.

Wees daarom verstandelik wakker en nugter, en vestig jou hoop volkome op die genade wat julle deel sal word by die wederkoms van Jesus Christus. - 1 Petrus 1:13

Liefde: Laat ons ons lewe in liefde leef onder die leiding van God.

God het die wereld so lief gehad dat Hy sy enigste Seun gegee het, sodat die wat in Hom glo, nie verlore sal gaan nie, maar die ewige lewe sal he. - Johannes 3:16

Geloof: Dit is juis in oomblikke van terneergedrukheid en depressie dat ons die Here moet loof.

Ek wil U lof verkondig, my God en Koning, ek wil U Naam altyd loof. Elke dag wil ek U loof, ek wil U Naam altyd prys. Die Here is groot, alle lof kom Hom toe.

Vrede:  Dit vorm 'n belangrike komponent in 'n Christen se karakter. Hierdie vrede stel ons instaat om met ons medemens te lewe.

Geseend is die vredemakers, want hulle sal kinders van God genoem word. - Matteus 9.9

Se nee vir kommer en laat vertroue opnuut in jou siel bot

Reik uit vir hulp;
Beheer jou emosies;
Maak vrede jou anker;
Kweek vertroue;
Klou aan gebed as reddingsboei;
Leef in dankbaarheid;
Draai jou rug op wat was;

Word stil en moenie toelaat dat vrae, bekommernisse en vrese jou gees van Hom afsluit nie.

Thursday 29 December 2011

End of Year 2011 - Journey to New Beginnings, Resolutions and Challenges

We sometimes feel at the end of a year that we have not gain much, with all the difficulties of the pass year, we only remember the bad times. Take the time to close your eyes and look up at Heaven, and thank our Father that He has walk with us the whole year round. Without his support, guidance and love, we would never have made it, eventhough, we don't want to admit it.

God is still the same God that provides for us and hold our hands in His, guide us on the right rode for the future. If you stay close to Him, any task, problem or challenge that awaits you in the new year, will be possible for you to handle.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve, the end of 2011 and then the following day New Year's Day 2012, whereupon, we make new resolutions, promises that we are going do in the new year. Most of the time we fail to keep up with our promises.

End of 2011

 Live confidently and believe in God and take it day by day and He will give you the power to succeed. Thank the Lord that He has take care of you day and night in the past year and ask for His blessing on the New Year that is just around the corner.

There's a quote that say; "Life is a Journey, not a destination". but one day we will end up at the correct destination - Heaven.

The best Journey we can ever undertake is getting to know God.

May your journey for 2012 be joyful and may you discover new life-experiences and your days be filled with His love. May God guide and protect you throughout 2012.

Lord,  give me the strength to start the new year with peace and new promises. Thank You for Your guidance throughout the passed year, your protection and  Your love.

Monday 12 December 2011

The Giving Time - Christmas - Goodness, Peace and Joy

Of all the months of the year, December can be singled out as the month of love.
Since my childhood I have been in wondered by the story of Christmas, expectations, the wise men, the wonder, gifts, new dresses and Father Christmas.

Today, I am still in wonder - but now it is about the Child that was born to set us free and to forgive our sins.
Perhaps today you wish to offer God a tangible gift. Therefore, find someone in need this Christmas and give that person gifts, food and clothes, because if we do that, we are in fact giving to God. Thus, this Christmas, offer Jesus your prayers and possessions, and fasten your hope on Him and Thank God for His Son - a gift so wonderful.
Christmas is the time when we build our own relationships. Families and friends comes together to celebrate and reconciles Christmas.
Make it your aim this Christmas to obey God and to spread His goodness, peace and joy among all.
The fact that Jesus came to the world and died on the cross is the most major revelation of God's love for humankind. God proves His love for you in Jesus.

The world is experiencing a dark period at present. There is more bad news than good. Violence and crime are threatening to get out of hand and the economy is fragile. At this Christmas, we need Jesus more that ever before. Let us shine the light for Jesus in people's live, Let live in God's light and pass it on to everyone we come in contact with.

Decide this Christmas to live in such a way that you make Jesus' life visible through your conduct and share God's love with people around you.

Lord Jesus, I want to glorify You as my Saviour, my Messiah and my King. Please grant me Your peace this Christmas season.