Wednesday 31 August 2011

September - Month of New Things - Seasons in Life

ScreenshotLife has its springtime when we start new things and look ahead to the future with exitement.
God enjoys doing new things for his chilldern by changing their circumstances - making them better, by giving them new challenges and new promises. (by Henry Balcaby)

I realize, Lord, that this renewal might continue for the rest of my life. Forgive me for often straying from You. keep me on the right road and give me a new iteneray.
I want to shine for You like a bright Star and spread the light of the Lord, Yours gospel in the dark world, but this I need Your strenght to do so.

I also want to sing You a new song this month. Change my life for the better and make me willing to be Your witness.
Thank you that I was born again.


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