Monday 15 October 2012

Letter to God by / Brief aan God

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving your Son to the world so that we can be free of Sin.

I am writing this letter to You with all my love, faith and hope.  I have walked a long and sometimes hard road over the years and have to admit that I were not always faithful to Your word, but for some reason you hold onto my hand and never let go.
I also know that the road won't be full of roses going forward, but I have the peace and assurance that You will hold onto my hand.

You have saved me from so many things. The time that I lost my job and with all the mergers with so many banks, You were trueful to Your word and have looked after me daily. Going through divorce, and I wanted to throw in the towel, You raised me up, hold me tight and show me the light. I don't know how I would have survived without You.

Thank you for your blessings that I received every minute. My life belongs to You and I love You very much.

Lord Jesus, I praise You for making it possible for me to be onbes mind wit other Christians, in spit of our difference, and that Your blood washed me clean of sin and makes me new. Amen

Tye wat ek alleen en eensaam was, het U die lig laat skyn oor bly en met U heilige stem in my hart hoop gegee vir die toekoms. Ek rig my oe op U elke dag en weet day my roepstem beantwoord sal word. Ek weet ek fraak baie ongeduldig as dinge nie gebeur wanneer ek dit wil he nie, maar op U tyd en wil.

Ek is U ewig dankbaar vir die krag wat ek van U ontvang het, sonder dit sou ek nie op my eie kon aangaan nie. Wat 'n wonderlike hemelse Vader is U.
Dankie vir 2 pragtige dogters en 2 kleindogters wat U aan my toe vertrou het. erk vra dat U hulle sal seen en elke dag saam met hulle sal wees.

Psalm 23 :4 - Al gaan ek deur donker dieptes, sal ek nie bang wees nie, want U is met my. In U hande is ek veilig.

Tot U Here, rig ek my, my God, op U vertrou ek. Laat my vertroue tog nie vergeefs wees nie. Amen

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