Saturday 8 October 2011

Don't Blame Others for Your Sins

If you keep on thinking of excuses for doing wrong, you dishonor God, and consequently don't succeed in glorifing Him.
When God admonished Adam for alowing Eve to tempt him into eating the fruit of the tree God forbade them, but Adam was ready with an excuse: "The woman You gave me brought me the fruit and I ate it".
 (Genesis 3:12) "What Adam is in effect say is that his sin is actually God's fault because the woman God gave him is the reason why he ate the fruit.
It is never God who is responsible for ours sins, but alway us ourself. After all, we were born sinful. When we confess our sin, no 'buts' are allowed at all. It is much better for us to recognize, admit and sincerely confess it before God, and to undertake not to sin again in future.
"by Nina Smit"
Lord, I am sorry because I have also shifte the blame for  my sins onto others. Help me to be aware of my sins, to confess every one of them before You and keep me from sinning again, so that I can glorify You.

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