Monday 31 October 2011

Month November - Dealing with Stress

The time we reach November many of us are stressed and tense.
And there are still far too many things to do.
God, you know me so well that I don't even need to tell you how anxious, tense and stressed I am at present.
Like Job, I feel as if my life is hanging by a thread;
I am exhausted, irritated and worn out. I neglect my quite time,
because there is so much to do..
Please help me to live one day at a time.
I now want to come to You with all my anxiety and tension and lay it at Your cross.
Thank You that You are always there to carry me.
I need Your courage and power so much today - please give me inner strengh that You promised in Your word.
I want to hold onto You,
Please give me peace -You are my peace, Lord.
Thank you for your reassurance that You will help me.
Lord, please forgive me for all the times I was upset because my selfish plans didnot work out.
Make me willing to fall in with Your plans for my life.
Forgive me for trying to be such a perfectionist and thinking that I can manage everything myself.
Make me calm and content to just do my best.
Thank You Lord. 
"Nina Smit"

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