Thursday 20 August 2015

Loneliness can be meaningful

2 Kings 20:5 - "I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you".

You don'have to be lonely when you have Abba, Our Father, in your heart, whatever the reasons are:

"Aloneness can lead to loneliness. God's preventative for loneliness is intimacy - meaningful, open, sharing relationships with one another. With Christ, we have the capacity for the fulfilling sense of belonging which comes from intimate fellowship with God and with other believers". (Neil. T. Anderson)

If you have made mistakes, apologise, and move on. Don't carry it with you. Reach out to someone else that may be in the same situation as you, this might just make a small difference in their lives and you may just be surprised, that your loneliness may change to something meaningful.

When you reach out to someone else, your problems seems to vanish. Ask God to help you to do your best in everything you do, and not to get side tracked by negative thoughts.

Pray for someone you know who has not yet committed her/his life to Christ and her/his loneliness might just change into something uplifting.

 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" - read Romans 10:13

Sometimes, when we are in such a deep depression because of loneliness, nothing makes sense anymore - we refuse to speak so anyone and just wants to be left alone. - this is the time that we must put our trust in Him and thank God for loving us so much. Let God draw near to you today, surrender your heart to Him and rest in His care.

My wish for you: "May you be blessed every day with abundant peace, grace, mercy and love".
My prayer: "Dear Lord, I come to You when I am weak, leaning on You so that I can rest labors and looking to you for help".


Tuesday 4 August 2015

Wanneer jy seer het, wees stil voor die Heer.

Sagaria 2:13 - Wees stil voor die Here, al wat leef. Hy kom uit sy heilige woning te voorskyn.

Wanneer jy voel dat alles te veel word en jy kan jou seer nie meer alleen dra nie, raak stil voor die Heer. Hy sal jou toevou in Sy genade en jy sal besef dat jy nie sonder Hom kan wees nie.

Hierdie pragtige woorde is een van die gesange - Lied 519

Wees stil en weet: Ek is die Heer.
Ek spreek, en die wind en golwe bedaar, 
Ek sal ook jou getrou bewaar.

Wees stil en weet: Ek is die Heer.
Ek ken jou pyn, jou donkerste nag.
Ek is by jou, Ek gee jou krag.

Wees stil en weet: Ek is die Heer.
Kom bring na My jou kommer en vrees.
Ek sal vir jou 'n toevlug wees.

Wees stil en weet: Ek is die Heer.
Bly waak en bid; volhard in geloof.
Ek is by jou soos ek beloof.

My Heer, rustig sit ek by U Voete, want ek weet U sal my genade gee en my seer weer heel maak.
Dankie vir die belofte dat u my pyn en vrees ken.
U luister na my stem elke dag Heer.

My gebed: Dankie Hemelse Vader dat ek elke dag vir U tyd kan inruim en stil voor U kan word. Dankie dat ek my probleme, my seer, my wese met U kan bespreek, en weet dat U my dra elke dag.

Monday 20 July 2015

Nuwe begin - maak toe die boek van gister!

Nuwe Begin:

Dis tyd dat jy 'n nuwe begin maak en die verlede laat gaan!

Maak toe die boek van jou hartseer en  jou verlede - die mislukkings en pyn wat jy gehad het, ook in die tye van verwerping en verwyte.

God is besig on 'n Nuwe Boek vir jou te skryf - 'n Boek van 'n Nuwe Begin vol Beloftes en Hoop.

Hy gee jou al die vergifnis en genade wat jy verdien. Net Jesus kan jou weer heelmaak en jou genees van al jou smart, hartseer, pyn en verwyte, asook al die herinneringe en seer emosies.

Dis tyd dat ons sal sê:  ‘Here, ek loof en dank U dat ek in Christus altyd ‘n nuwe hoopvolle begin kan maak'.  Om dit te kan sê moet ons toelaat dat God ons sal help om van vorige pyn, haat en verwerping te vergeet.

Elke dag is dan 'n nuwe dag - Laat Jesus jou boek se blaai, omblaai en jy sal vind dat elke dag 'n skoon blad sal wees. Begin 'n nuwe more op jou skoon blad. Los al die Gisters wat verby is, verby. Moenie toelaat wat gister was, nog jou nuwe dag, beinvloed nie. 

'n Nuwe dag en tyd het aangebreek in jou lewe wat vol vertroue, genesing in liggaam, siel
en gees sal wees.

Al wat ons te doen staan dan is om net elke dag "Dankie" te sê vir al die genade wat ons ontvang van Christus.

My gebed 
 Amen !

Tuesday 7 July 2015

My Guardian Angel - "dedicated to Marinda"

Do you believe in Guardian Angels - 

We all have our own views regarding a Guardian Angel, some believe, some not. At the end,  it's your choice and view, and have to be respected.

I, however, do believe that we all have a Guardian Angel that protects you, love you, be there for you, here on earth or in heaven!

I have a personal guardian angel on earth, and her name is Marinda! - When you reflect on your life so far, you can probably think of moments when someone was watching over you all the time, and encouragement that came to you just at the right time. 

When thinking about it, I can relate to so many times, when I was down, depressed,  even when I was very happy, and suddenly a phone call and it's Marinda, saying, "I was just thinking of you - are you OK" !. 

When I went through difficulties at work, short of money, then suddenly a phone call from Marinda, asking, "don't you want to come and spend the weekend with me"?. - just to been spoiled with such love and at the end of the day, an envelope with money in, just to say. "it's not from me, but from God. He gave me the opportunity to give it to you". 

- so why don't Angels also comes in "human form" to watch over you!

So whether you believe in them, or not, or whether you want one, or not, believers insist that you do have a Guardian Angel. 

I am sharing this as a gratitude to my Guardian Angel, Marinda - as I believe that each of us is cared for and that God has personally assigned an Angel to accompany us for your entire earthly lifetime.

You just have to open your eyes and ears, accept and believe, that they are there for you.

In Exodus 32:34 - God tells Moses, "Therefore now go, lead the people to the place of which I have spoken to you; behold, my Angel shall go before you".

My prayer - "Thank you Heavenly Father,  for special people like Marinda, in my life, that you have assigned to me, to guard me, protect me and always be there when I needed a Guardian Angel". 
Bless her!

Thursday 2 July 2015

Love and Joy


Many of us believe that we are  not good enough to deserve love and joy.
How wrong can we be!. We are all creatures from God that  needs to be loved and enjoy all the good things in life.The fruit of the Spirit is Love and Joy.

Love is one of the most fulfilling of the law, the bond of perfectness. The love of a child, love of a Mother, Father. Love for each other.
"The Love of God. - God is Love".

Look in the mirror and say to yourself, I deserve love, I deserve joy, I am the best.

 Small little things that gives you joy - like the sweet fragrance of  flowers, - walking bare feet on the wet grass early in the morning - watch the sunrise and the sunset, painted with all the glorify colors of the rainbow of God's hand above you and on land.
The silver of the moon shine on the sea at night and that makes you to smile gently. A soft whisper of the breeze as you listen to the murmur of the waves and a soft whispered breeze of the wind touching your cheek, the murmur of waves.

God give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed and the courage to change the things that should be changed.

Joy, - likewise, which is the produce of the Spirit arises from an apprehension or good hope.

  . Good things attracts more good things.

Love Life and Live Life

My prayer: "Thank you Father for small little things that I can still see, feel and smell. Thank you for all your blessings and that I can still have the Love and Joy of your Love".


Monday 8 June 2015




Psalm 63:8 - "U is vir my 'n hulp, en dan juig ek oor die beskerming onder u vleuels".

Here, ek is besig om 'n pad te loop nader aan U en weet dat U my dag na dag sal dra.

Soms oor lang dae en lang nagte wonder ek waarheen my lewe my sal lei, dae vol kommer, maar as ek aan U dink en oor U peins in die nag, dan weet ek U is vir my 'n hulpbron. 

U belofte dat U vir my die regte pad sal aanwys maak dit soveel makliker. By U vind ek beskerming en U dra my.

En die Here antwoord - "My liewe kind, ek het jou nooit verlaat nie! Die tye toe jy slegs een ry voetspore gesien het, was dit die tye toe ek jou gedra het".

Het jy al gewonder as jy op die strand loop en al die voetspore in die sand sien, wie se spore dit is ! - Was hulle alleen en diep in gedagte - eensaam, hartseer of was dit paartjies wat hand in hand geloop het,  baie verlief en gelukkig. Ons almal laat onvermydelik fisiese voetspore in die werêld om hooplik 'n verskil te maak.

So loop Jesus die pad vir ons ook vooruit. Hy dra ons in tye van nood. Hy hou ons voetspore dop en ontferming Hom oor ons. Ons moet Hom net volg. 

Petrus 1 - 2:21 staan geskryf;  "Juis hiervoor is julle ook geroep, omdat Christus self vir julle gely en so vir julle 'n voorbeeld gestel het, sodat julle in sy voetspore kan volg".

My gebed: - "Hemelse Vader, dankie, dat U dit vir my moontlik maak om die voetspore van gister te kan vergeet en 'n nuwe pad vorêntoe met U aan my sy te loop.  Here, ek bid dat U weer vir my openbaar hoe belangrik U Woord in my lewe is."



Tuesday 26 May 2015

Sweet Rose

Sweet Rose - written by Nishani Ford for Nellie Vermeulen - exclusive!

Poetic Purpose - This poem was written for me by Nishani Ford on my departure from Nedbank 30 June 2012 and is very dear to me, therefore, I would like to share it as part of my journey through life:

"I look at you and wonder if you know,
The strength you carry in your softness

 - A rose with the softest touch,

It's fragrance lingers like footprints on our hearts
An embodiment of feminine - 

You radiant life and energy that's contagious;

Your sparkle inspires us to grow 

- And in those moments when we want to turn and go,

Your gentle embrace and whispered words of encouragement bring us back to what is true, to what is real.

Through the thorns you have blossomed - A hero to your offspring, strong and rooted
A single rose you have stood,
Now your branches too bear your undeniable signature of faith

You see us, - You inspire us
You cause us to grow, - To love to be true,

And so sweet rose - Blossom where you are,
Loving as you go

Your sweet fragrance - We carry on our hearts
Undeniably soft
Undeniably strong

Sweet rose
We carry you in our hearts - for now, for always...."

My sincere thanks to you,  Nishani - I will always treasure this Poem in my heart!
 - Nellie Vermeulen.