Friday 30 December 2011

Beloftes van God

Bekommernisse: Moet nooit toelaat dat enigiets of iemand God se plek in jou lewe inneem nie.

Wie van julle kan deur hom te bekommer sy lewe met een enkele uur verleng - Matteus 6:27

 Dankbaarheid: Ons moet vir God dankie se vir elkeen van sy seeninge.

Wees in alle omstandighede dankbaar, want dit is wat God in Christus Jesus van julle verwag - 1 Tessalonisense 5:18

Gebed: Maak seker dat al jou gebede op God gefokus is.

Die Here sal jou genadig wees as jy na Hom roep om hulp. Hy sal jou gebed verhoor sodra Hy dit hoor. - Jesaja 30:19

Geduld: As jy getrou is aan jou roeping as volgeling van Jesus, sal jy nooit ongeduld toon wanneer jy met die nood and ander te doen het nie.

'n Verstandige mens beteuel sy humeur en stel sy eer daarin om vergewensgesind te wees. - Spreuke 19:11

Hoop: Hou die hoop brandend in jou hart en vas aan die sekerheid daarvan.

Wees daarom verstandelik wakker en nugter, en vestig jou hoop volkome op die genade wat julle deel sal word by die wederkoms van Jesus Christus. - 1 Petrus 1:13

Liefde: Laat ons ons lewe in liefde leef onder die leiding van God.

God het die wereld so lief gehad dat Hy sy enigste Seun gegee het, sodat die wat in Hom glo, nie verlore sal gaan nie, maar die ewige lewe sal he. - Johannes 3:16

Geloof: Dit is juis in oomblikke van terneergedrukheid en depressie dat ons die Here moet loof.

Ek wil U lof verkondig, my God en Koning, ek wil U Naam altyd loof. Elke dag wil ek U loof, ek wil U Naam altyd prys. Die Here is groot, alle lof kom Hom toe.

Vrede:  Dit vorm 'n belangrike komponent in 'n Christen se karakter. Hierdie vrede stel ons instaat om met ons medemens te lewe.

Geseend is die vredemakers, want hulle sal kinders van God genoem word. - Matteus 9.9

Se nee vir kommer en laat vertroue opnuut in jou siel bot

Reik uit vir hulp;
Beheer jou emosies;
Maak vrede jou anker;
Kweek vertroue;
Klou aan gebed as reddingsboei;
Leef in dankbaarheid;
Draai jou rug op wat was;

Word stil en moenie toelaat dat vrae, bekommernisse en vrese jou gees van Hom afsluit nie.

Thursday 29 December 2011

End of Year 2011 - Journey to New Beginnings, Resolutions and Challenges

We sometimes feel at the end of a year that we have not gain much, with all the difficulties of the pass year, we only remember the bad times. Take the time to close your eyes and look up at Heaven, and thank our Father that He has walk with us the whole year round. Without his support, guidance and love, we would never have made it, eventhough, we don't want to admit it.

God is still the same God that provides for us and hold our hands in His, guide us on the right rode for the future. If you stay close to Him, any task, problem or challenge that awaits you in the new year, will be possible for you to handle.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve, the end of 2011 and then the following day New Year's Day 2012, whereupon, we make new resolutions, promises that we are going do in the new year. Most of the time we fail to keep up with our promises.

End of 2011

 Live confidently and believe in God and take it day by day and He will give you the power to succeed. Thank the Lord that He has take care of you day and night in the past year and ask for His blessing on the New Year that is just around the corner.

There's a quote that say; "Life is a Journey, not a destination". but one day we will end up at the correct destination - Heaven.

The best Journey we can ever undertake is getting to know God.

May your journey for 2012 be joyful and may you discover new life-experiences and your days be filled with His love. May God guide and protect you throughout 2012.

Lord,  give me the strength to start the new year with peace and new promises. Thank You for Your guidance throughout the passed year, your protection and  Your love.

Monday 12 December 2011

The Giving Time - Christmas - Goodness, Peace and Joy

Of all the months of the year, December can be singled out as the month of love.
Since my childhood I have been in wondered by the story of Christmas, expectations, the wise men, the wonder, gifts, new dresses and Father Christmas.

Today, I am still in wonder - but now it is about the Child that was born to set us free and to forgive our sins.
Perhaps today you wish to offer God a tangible gift. Therefore, find someone in need this Christmas and give that person gifts, food and clothes, because if we do that, we are in fact giving to God. Thus, this Christmas, offer Jesus your prayers and possessions, and fasten your hope on Him and Thank God for His Son - a gift so wonderful.
Christmas is the time when we build our own relationships. Families and friends comes together to celebrate and reconciles Christmas.
Make it your aim this Christmas to obey God and to spread His goodness, peace and joy among all.
The fact that Jesus came to the world and died on the cross is the most major revelation of God's love for humankind. God proves His love for you in Jesus.

The world is experiencing a dark period at present. There is more bad news than good. Violence and crime are threatening to get out of hand and the economy is fragile. At this Christmas, we need Jesus more that ever before. Let us shine the light for Jesus in people's live, Let live in God's light and pass it on to everyone we come in contact with.

Decide this Christmas to live in such a way that you make Jesus' life visible through your conduct and share God's love with people around you.

Lord Jesus, I want to glorify You as my Saviour, my Messiah and my King. Please grant me Your peace this Christmas season.

Monday 21 November 2011

Wonders of the Lord

Take note of God's Wonders

When you feel tired, stressed and have unfulfilled desires and dreams, go outside take a walk, smell and pick a flower, as there's nothing that let a person relax so quickly, as being outside and feel at peace in nature.

If you are a worrier, pray about the things that make you stress,  and desires that you might have.
It is impossible to run around with sky-high stress levels if you make a point to focus on the beautiful and wonder of the nature around you and appreciate it, each day.
If you are previledge to stay close to a coast, go and walk on the beach, feel the warm sand between your toes, the sun on your face, the love God is showing upon you, embrace it. Take note of the small things in nature, the delicate grass along the side of the road, the insects, each flower is a miracle and experience all the greatness of God's hand and His care for you. He created everything for you to enjoy.
When you look at all God's wonders, you cannot help become aware of His might and majesty and you will feel the peace inside you - and the very fact that God is there, that He loves you, will cause your stress levels to abate.
Come close to God and nature and humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up in honor.

Lord, thank You for Your wonders that I can see around me every day.
I love You.

Monday 7 November 2011


Lord, You know how full my program is at the end of the year. Help me to scale down, to get someone to help me and not to do things that are unnecessary,
When we are tired, worn out and have too many responsibilities we become depressed very easily.
Don't try to handle everthing by yourself, get people to help you.
We often hear about people who have nervous breakdowns because of their impossible workloads. Every year, at the beginning of November, we feel that we reached breaking point.
Take a step back from all your work, examine whether you have unrealistic expectations of yourself.
Do the things that Gods asks us to do and use your talents in His service and to His honor, and burnout will be a thing of the past forever. (Exodus 18:20-23)

"Carol Travilla lists five unrealistic expectations that can contribute to burn out"
  • There should not be any limits to what I can do;
  • I have the capacity to help everyone;
  • I am the only person availabe to help;
  • I never make a mistake;
  • I have the ability to change another person.
Lord, I recognize myself so clearly in the above list. Forgive me for being such a perfectionist and thinking that I can manage everything myself. Make me calm and content to just do my best and learn me how to say No.

Monday 31 October 2011

Month November - Dealing with Stress

The time we reach November many of us are stressed and tense.
And there are still far too many things to do.
God, you know me so well that I don't even need to tell you how anxious, tense and stressed I am at present.
Like Job, I feel as if my life is hanging by a thread;
I am exhausted, irritated and worn out. I neglect my quite time,
because there is so much to do..
Please help me to live one day at a time.
I now want to come to You with all my anxiety and tension and lay it at Your cross.
Thank You that You are always there to carry me.
I need Your courage and power so much today - please give me inner strengh that You promised in Your word.
I want to hold onto You,
Please give me peace -You are my peace, Lord.
Thank you for your reassurance that You will help me.
Lord, please forgive me for all the times I was upset because my selfish plans didnot work out.
Make me willing to fall in with Your plans for my life.
Forgive me for trying to be such a perfectionist and thinking that I can manage everything myself.
Make me calm and content to just do my best.
Thank You Lord. 
"Nina Smit"

Time is Love - Love is Time

Life is all about love.
Life without love is worthless.
You must love the Lord your God with all you heart.. This is the first commandment.
Secondly, love your neighbor as yourself.
I want to make sure that I spend time loving you and loving other people - because that's what life is all about. Don't wast this day - Why should God give you another day if you're going to waste it?

Time is the most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it.
You can make more money, but you can't make more time. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time, therefore the best way to spell love is T-I-M-E.
The essence of of love is not what we think or do or provide for others, but how much we can give overselves.

'Attention' says, "I value you enough to give you my most precious asset - my time."
Whenever you give your time, you are making a sacrifice, and sacrifice is the essence of love.
You can give without love, but you cannot love without giving.
"God so loved the world that he gave his only Son".
The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time.
The best time to love is now.
"Rick Warren"

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Gratitude and to say "thank you".

When picking flowers, we find that the rarest ones are always the most sought after.

Gratitude is like a flower that opens its petals under the caress of sunlight, thus unfolding its hidden beauty.

We take for granted so much that we received that we no longer even realise that we are receiving many things. People like saying gratitude costs nothing, However, say "thank you" can cost you quite a bit of effort and trouble. We so much fear becoming involved.
You need to empty yourself, to become open and expectant, to realise that you truly need others.
To pray is to give thanks because we realise that we play a role in contribute to a better world and a more beautiful mankind.
Thank You, gracious Father, for the many who have taught me to believe in gratitude, therefore, I say thank You that I can move, and that I can walk, and that I can see, and that I can hear and that I can speak.
I thank You.
To live in gratitude is to gradually come to the understanding that God Himself is our gift.

God is to be found wherever we serve.

Gratitude is the simplicity of the heart.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Singleness does not mean Rejection - Purpose

I am single for sometime now and one day I sat down and thought about my past life, difficult times and heart-aches I have experienced as a single person, even my childhood came upon  and an emptiness filled my heart. I always felt singled out when birthdays, social events, etc; comes up. The assumption that because you are single, you lack purpose or direction, is emotionally unstable, sexually frustrated and unfulfilled and there's always a stigma around you.

I sat down and started to weep for a long time and then became very quiet. I wanted to allow my true feelings to surface. In that moment for the first time, I knew that God had  become my emotional shield, my protector and my strong tower of defense and I was free to express my true self.
Perhaps in your own life, certain wounds have caused you to build walls and put up smoke screens. Perhaps the pain of separation or divorce has caused you to stop being genuine with others.
Every time you're around someone,  particularly the opposite sex, you put on a mask. It's not the real you. It's a protective shield to keep you from ever being hurt again.

God has taken you wounds and frustrations from multiple rejections and borne them so you may know healing, wholeness, release and freedom to love again in  Him.
God is saying to you today that you don't need those defenses any more. You don't need those masks.

You have got a better one - the Lord Himself.

He is calling you to take those hurts and release them to him. God wants you to lay the wounds of that divorce, the anger of loss in widowhood, or the frustration and pain of multiple rejections that you may have experience in the single life upon Him and you are complete in Him.

God has taken your wounds and frustrations from multiple rejections and borne them so you may know healing, wholeness, release and freedom to love again in Him.

Every person - whether single, married, or divorced is a complete person with abilities, talents, skills and promise. When you use your abilities to glorify God, He will purify you bless you beyond comparison.
God has a place and a purpose for you!

Saturday 8 October 2011

Don't Blame Others for Your Sins

If you keep on thinking of excuses for doing wrong, you dishonor God, and consequently don't succeed in glorifing Him.
When God admonished Adam for alowing Eve to tempt him into eating the fruit of the tree God forbade them, but Adam was ready with an excuse: "The woman You gave me brought me the fruit and I ate it".
 (Genesis 3:12) "What Adam is in effect say is that his sin is actually God's fault because the woman God gave him is the reason why he ate the fruit.
It is never God who is responsible for ours sins, but alway us ourself. After all, we were born sinful. When we confess our sin, no 'buts' are allowed at all. It is much better for us to recognize, admit and sincerely confess it before God, and to undertake not to sin again in future.
"by Nina Smit"
Lord, I am sorry because I have also shifte the blame for  my sins onto others. Help me to be aware of my sins, to confess every one of them before You and keep me from sinning again, so that I can glorify You.

Werke van die Here is Groot

Vandag is my hart vol lof en ek wil dit opdra en die Here loof

Psalm 111
Met my hele hart wil ek die Here loof, in die samekoms van die opregtes
in die gemeente, Die Werke van die Here is groot, almal wat daarin vreugde vind,
dink daaroor na.
Sy dade is vol majesteit en luister, sy trou staan vir atyd vas.
Hy sorg dat Sy magtige dade nie vergeet word nie.
Genadig en barmhartig is die Here. Hy voed die wat Hom dien.
Hy hou sy verbond altyd in stand.
Hy het sy volk die krag van sy dade laat ervaar.
Sy Naam is Heilig, dit wek ontsag.
met die dien van die Here;  almal wat dit doen, het ware insig.
Die roem van die Here hou altyd stand.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Purpose in life

Lord, I want my purpose in life to be glorify You in all I do.
When I see Your creation, I become so intensely aware of Your glory and majesty.
I want to give You credit for all my achievements.
I want to trust You fully and I am willing to give up my own honor.
I also want to glorify You through all my suffering because it helps me to understand Your suffering better.
I praise You for the promise that that You are preparing for me that I will one day share in Your glory.
I want to praise You in my prayers by leading people to You.
Father, forgive me holding on to the past. Help me to start thinking differently and make peace with it today.
Thank You for speaking to me. Help me to recognize and obey Your voice and ignor the other voices in my life.

Poem by Russell Kelfer:-
You are who you are for a reason
You,re part of an intricate plan,
You,re a precious woman or man.

You look like you look for a reason.
our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You're just what he wanted to make

The parents you had were the ones he chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom-designed with God's plan in mind,
And they bear the Master's seal.

No, that trauma you faced was not easy,
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
so that into His likeness you'd grow.

You are who you are for a reason,
You've been formed by the Master's rod,
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!!.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Colourful Message

Wednesday 14.09.2011; I had a dream: "Coming home from work, I can hear my Jack Russel barking inside the house. Normally he is very quiet. I went inside the house and saw that he was standing at the back door of the kitchen where there is a small court yard. I open the door and found a dog inside the yard. Not sure what sort of dog it is, but it was a white dog (big) with brown spots. The dog is very happy to see me. Around the dog's neck I found a blue band with green tag on. I noticed that there is a telephone number written on with a pencil. I let the dog into my house and she (I don't know why but knew it was a female) but turned completely white and was running around very happy and chasing her tail. Suddenly, the tag around her neck turned into a piece op paper and I saw that there are something written on. The only word I can make out is "Happy", but also in my mind I could read the note and it was written in a man's handwriting saying that the dog is always running away from home and hence, the tag around her neck so that someone will phone him if the dog get lost. In my dream my mother is with me and is not very pleased that I have let the dog into the house and asked me why have let the dog in. "I said I did not know but  could not leave the dog outside". When I woke up the next morning, Thursday,  I have somehow written the telephone number (011......) down on a piece of paper". I went to work and phoned the number but there was no reply. Around 10.00am, I phoned again and then a lady answered the phone. For a moment I was speechless and then I explained to her about my dream and also the telephone number on the tag. I could hear that she kept quiet (understandable) as she does not know whether I am a hoax. I gave her my name, surname, my work's landline and my cell number so that she can be sure that I am sincere. I asked whether she has a dog and she said first "no". I also asked whether is is married (not sure why) but she said "yes". After I had a conversation with her and explained that I keep on getting these dreams lately, I could feel that started to trust me and not just speaking nonsens. She told me that her name was Adele Uys and that she does have a dog (laborador) and the dog is white and brown. The phone number is her direct number at work. Useless to say I was speechless again and said to her I don't understand the dream, but if anything happens she must let me know. Whatever the dream means, I know that I am getting messages from God and  He will guide me when I am ready to understand.

Monday 19 September 2011

Thank You, Lord

Thank You that You are much closer to me than I think, that I do not have to be afraid, because You live in me.
Thank You for rainbow days when I experience Your presence intensely, even when I feel that You are far away from me.
I want to do everything for You and isten carefully to Your voice in my life. I know You speak to me through Your Word, my dreams, my thoughts and through Your Spirit.
Help me so that I can experience Your presence even if it becomes winter in my life. Grant that I will obey Your will.
I am having these dreams lately Lord, and asked You to show me the meaning of it and also if there's a message that I need to obey. I want to follow You with all my heart and sole.
I want to love like You do, and pass Your message of love to every person that I come across.
Take care of me and bless me Lord.
This I asked in Your name.

I love You
I am who I am,
Your Bride, Your daughter, Your child.
I am your humble servant.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Renewal takes time

ScreenshotBecoming a new person means that you must give up the way you lived before, not only to live a new life, but also to learn to think in a new way. The longer a person does certain sinful things, the easier it becomes to it and the more difficult it is to ge rod of the habit. If it becomes second nature to use bad language, be impatient and selfish, then it is impossible to suddenly become a new person in just a few days.

The sanctification process can last your whole life and you must have a continuous , intimate relationship with God. Sanctification will also test your endurance because you will most probably discover that, in spite of your best intentions, wou will sin again. But God can and wants to make it possible for you to live a holy life.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You will make me a new person, one who live in line with Your will.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

September - Month of New Things - Seasons in Life

ScreenshotLife has its springtime when we start new things and look ahead to the future with exitement.
God enjoys doing new things for his chilldern by changing their circumstances - making them better, by giving them new challenges and new promises. (by Henry Balcaby)

I realize, Lord, that this renewal might continue for the rest of my life. Forgive me for often straying from You. keep me on the right road and give me a new iteneray.
I want to shine for You like a bright Star and spread the light of the Lord, Yours gospel in the dark world, but this I need Your strenght to do so.

I also want to sing You a new song this month. Change my life for the better and make me willing to be Your witness.
Thank you that I was born again.


The first Miracle


When the wine ran out during the festivities, Jesus told the servants to fill the stone water pots with water and to take them to the master of ceremonies. When the master tasted the water that had turned into wine, he said "This is the best wine he had ever tasted" A host always serves the best wine first - but you have kept the best until now ! John 2:10
Lord Jesus, You still perform miracles in the lives of people whoes believe in You. Make my faith strong enough so that I can experience that and also to tell others about You.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

My strengths

Screenshot"My strengths is my abilily to be flexible. I have seen companies go through changes in structure and management philisophy. I have had to adjust my style to the new environment several times over the years. My weakness is my tendency to over-work so I pace myself now. I try not to be over sensitive and analytical of everything".
But this I can only do with the strengh and guidence of my Lord.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Memories are golden

GOD BESS OUR PETS - In memorance of "CharleCat"

They say memories are golden.
Well, maybe that is true. I never wanted memories, I only wanted you.
A million times I needed you, A million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you, You never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly, In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a stairway and heartache made a lane.
I'd walk the path to heaven and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again. 

Wednesday 10 August 2011

I had a dream

I had dream (I HAD A DREAM) - 08/05/2011 - 4pm
I am standing in a dark room, and know that I have family members around me even though I can't see them. Also the presence of my late earthy father is in the room.
I looked out of the window and noticed dark clouds and thunder outside in the darkness of the night. I could feel that this is not the same heavy weather we normally experience, but that the thunder became very loud like someone is speaking to us. Suddenly,  I turn around and saw another window in the opposite of the room and saw all kinds of animals running down the road and behind them I notice people were running behind the animals, like they were all afraid and scared of something. I was wondering what was happening and why all the animals are in the road.
I turned back to the other window and saw in wonder that suddenly there are birds flying around and at the same time they turned into the silhouets of Angels that circle around with all the thunder still around.
I walked outside in wonder and saw 4 other people outside. A Jews guy, a Muslim guy, a young man and young women. At the same time I also felt the presents of other people around me but could not see them but knew they were bowing down. The other four and I were looking up into the heaven and I saw that the sky were divided into three division. On the Left It was very dark black cloulds rolling around. On the right I saw semi darkness, I also the middle was in bright light up into sky. In ther horizen I saw mountains that were burning like fire. The young man put his arm around the young girl's shoulders as if he wanted to protect her. I could sense that he was very nervous. I looked up and suddenly saw a little girl's face on the left side where the dark clouds are and she looked down at us and suddenly she smiled and it was the  most beautiful smile that I have every seen. I walked a side and then a white light, like a spotlight encircled me and I walked into the light and looked up. I could feel the warmth that came up from my feet down right up over my head and the most wonderful feeling I have ever experienced. The love I felt was something I have never had and experienced. Suddenly I woke up and did not know where I were for a moment and looked up to the ceiling and realised that I have had the most wonderful dream I ever had experienced. With a big smile on my face and felt like I was walking on clouds. I know that the love God have to us nobody can replace. I felt completed.
I opened the Bible and the last three books of the old testament was in front of me. I knew then that God was sending me a message and that the time has come for us to turn back to him.
We need to built his house again and tell everyone that God does exist and HE is on His way to us.

I opened my Bible and it opened on Revelation 3:7-13.
Haggai:.. “Go and fetch wood and rebuild my House" vers 1-8.
Sagaria: ..” Return to me and I will return to you say the Lord”. Vers 1-3
Maleagi:..”But for you that fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness  will rise with healing in his wings" Vers 4:2

Ek het 'n droom gehad

EK HET ‘N DROOM GEHAD (I HAD A DREAM) – 05.08.2011 – 4PM
Ek staan in donker kamer en dit was ook donker buite, maar kon die teenwoordigheid van mense / familie om my voel.  Ek het ook die gevoel gekry dat my oorlede pa teenwoordig is. Die weer was swaar en ek kon die donderweer hoor. Ek kyk deur die venster en sien swart donker wolke wat rol en maal in die lug, die weer oorverdonderend.
Ek draai skielik om en sien nog ‘n venster en kyk uit en sien verskillende soorte diere hardloop verby die venster, gejaagd en verwilderd en agter hule hardloop klompe mense en ek wonder hoekom hardloop die diere en mense weg en wat maak hulle in die straat.
Draai weer terug na die ander venster en sien voels wat uit die donker wolke uitvlieg, maar dan  verander hulle in die vorm van silhoete van engele.  Baie verwondered en opgewonde se ek vir die mense om my, “kyk die engele wat val uit die hemel en wolke”, maar niemand luister na my nie. Ek bly skree kyk die engele en hoor dan die stem wat klink soos my oorlede pa wat se “ja my kind dit is engele wat neerdaal”.
Verwonderd loop ek buite toe en sien dat die lug in drie verdeeld is, aan die linkerkant is dit die swart wolke wat maal, aan die regte kant is die lug tussen lig en donker, soos duisternis en in die middle die spierwit lig wat skyn in die hemel op wat heeltemal oopgemaak het., maar nogsteeds kan ek die vreeslike donderweer hoor. In die vertes en op die horizon, sien ek die berge wat brand soos ‘n veldbrande. Intussen is die engele nog besig om rond te vlieg en dit voel of ek op heilige grond staan. Die heerlikheid wat ek voel is onbeskryflik. Dan sien ek nog vier ander mense staan, maar is ook bewus van ander mense rondom ons, maar kan hulle nie sien nie. Daar is ‘n Joodse man, ‘n Muslin man en voor my staan ‘n jong man en jong meisie en ons vyf kyk verwonderd op na die hemel en se tegelyk “Kyk dit is die einde van die wereld” Ek voel glad nie bang nie, net bly. Die jong man sit sy arm om die jong meise se skouers en lag senuweeagtig en se “kyk net hoe wonderlik is dit” en die mees wonderlike gevoel (ek kan nie beskryf nie) kom oor my.
Meteens verskyn daar ‘n gesig van ‘n jong kind, (dogter) uit die donker wolke wat die linkerkant van die lug oorheers waar die donker wolke rondmaal en sy kyk af na ons en die mooiste glimlag verskyn op haar gesig wat ek nog ooit gesien het. Ek kyk na haar en se ‘kyk die engel’ en sy glimlag op ons”. Meteens draai ek om en loop eenkant toe en sien ‘n lig wat lyk soos ‘n “spot light” en ek loop in die middel daarvan en die lig omsirkel my en ‘n warmte versprei vanaf my voete en beweeg op tot by my gesig. En ek kry die mees ongelooflike kalmte en liefde wat oor my kom. Ek voel klein en nietig en kyk op en lig my hande op in die lug en se “Dankie Here”, en dan vir ‘n split oomblik kry ek die gevoel  dat ek sterf en huis toe. (I felt I died and went home)
Op daardie oomblik skrik ek wakker en kyk dadelik op die lug in want ek was nie seker of ek droom of dit die werklikheid is nie, maar sien toe die plafon van die kamer en weet ek het ‘n wonderlike ongelooflike droom gehad het, Dan sien ek op die horlosie  dat dit presies 4 uur is in die oggend. Ek le verwonderd en het die mees gelukkige gevoel sodat ek my arms om myself sit asof ek myself wil omhels en nie die wonderlike warme gevoel wil laat gaan nie. Toe ek opstaan voel ek of ek op wolke loop en alles is ‘slow motion’ en niks jaag my nie, alhoewel ek weet ek moet by die werk kom en dan op daardie oomblik weet ek dat ek ‘n “glims gekry het” van die heerlikheid en liefde wat die Here vir ons het maar ook ‘n boodskap is vir my gegee.

Ek maak my bybel oop en openbaring 3:7-13 val oop.

Toe ek by die werk kom en soos gewoonlik bid en lees ek altyd eers ‘n versie uit die klein bybeltjie (wat ek van my oorlede pa gekry het en altyd saamdra) voor ek begin werk, en die (Bybeltjie bevat net een versie van elke boek van die Bybel van die Oue en Nuwe Testament) val dit oop by die laaste 3 boeke van die Ou Testament.

Haggai:.. “Gaan haal hout in die berg en herbou my huis sodat Ek my eer kan ontvang en tevrede kan wees se die Here” vers 1-8.

Sagaria: ..” Bekeer julle tot My, se die Here die Almagtige, dan sal Ek weer by julle wees, se die Here die Almagtige”. Vers 1-3

Maleagi:..”Maar vir julle wat eerbied het vir my Naam, sal die son van redding skyn met genesing in sy strale. Julle sal vry word. Vers 4:2

Ek blaai die blaadsy om en dit is die einde van die Ou Testament en die volgende blaai die Nuwe Testament.
My boodskap wat ek wil uitbring aan almal ‘glo die Here bestaan regtig’, want ek het sy Heerlikheid ervaar en die tyd is naby “Hy is oppad”. Bekeer julle en draai na hom.
Die heerlikheid wat ons gaan ontvang is onbeskryflik en ek voel dat die Here vir my ‘n boodskap gestuur om dit aan almal te verspry sodat ons ons self moet voor berei en ek voel baie bevoorreg.